Climate Speed – Is it for me?

Double Sticker 80 50

Let’s check – does this sound like you?

    • I am convinced scientist are right about climate change.
    • I am tired of cheating companies and politicians’ empty promises.
    • I realize that the use of fossil fuels needs to be reduced, radically.
    • But what can I do, I need my car and I can’t afford a fossil free one.

    Then Climate Speed might be something for you!

    • Climate Speed won’t save the planet.
    • Climate Speed is a symbolic action.
    • Symbolic actions can help save the planet.

    Climate Speed

    Never* drive faster than 80 km/h or 50 mph.

    Keep the lower speed-limits.

    A symbolic action for the climate.

    TRY IT! You’ll be amazed how little time you need to invest.

    *almost never, is also very good.